Fixing Minor Dental Imperfections Immediately: Are You a Candidate for Dental Contouring?

Dentist Blog

Cosmetic dentistry can achieve some remarkable things. A missing tooth can be replaced with a dental implant that is stronger than the original tooth ever was. A dental crown can be fitted over a broken tooth, again giving it a durability that surpasses a natural tooth. The downside to many cosmetic dentistry procedures is the cost. There's also the necessary waiting time to contend with since many of these procedures require multiple visits over the course of several months, such as when you're waiting for a prosthetic tooth to be custom-made. Some minor dental problems, even those that can be considered to be cosmetic, can often be rectified with a procedure that is cost-effective with immediate results. Perhaps you're a candidate for dental contouring?

Sanding Down

The details of dental contouring don't sound particularly pleasant. The process involves having your dentist sand your teeth down to achieve a particular result. Don't worry, because the process is extremely precise. Much of the sanding is achieved with a dental drill that shaves the tooth, and specialist abrasive strips might also be used. But what is the purpose of this contouring?

A Quick Fix for Minor Imperfections

The process can help to remove minor imperfections, although the key word is minor. You might have a chipped tooth due to an accident or even a tooth with a small missing fragment due to decay. Dental contouring can be used to reshape the tooth, giving it an appropriate shape once again. The tooth's counterpart might also need to be contoured in order to achieve uniformity. As an example, if you needed dental contouring on your lower left canine tooth, your dentist might also wish to contour your lower right canine tooth so that they have the same shape. Small cracks can also be removed with contouring, and this is one of the key benefits of the process. When a crack is smoothed out, its further development is halted, meaning it will not cause any further degradation to the tooth in question.

Suitable Candidates

Not everyone can receive dental contouring and your dentist will only perform the process on teeth that are sufficiently sturdy. This is because a layer of dental enamel will be removed, and in cases when your dental enamel has been depleted over time, any further removal can weaken the tooth and make it more susceptible to decay. Your dentist might also take an X-ray to determine the exact placement of your dental pulp (the nerve inside your tooth) to ensure that any contouring does not expose this pulp.

Have a word with your dentist if you are worried about any imperfections with your teeth.


21 October 2016

Fillings: Everything You Need to Know

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Kerry, and this blog is focused on dental fillings. It looks at the history of fillings, options for contemporary fillings, how to protect your fillings, when to replace them and much more. If you have ever had a cavity filled or if you are planning to get a tooth filled, you will find the information in this blog useful. I try to look at fillings from all angles, and I even plan to look at how to avoid fillings through proper dental hygiene and sealants. Thanks for reading, and I hope you find the info intellectually "filling."