Two common problems people experience when they first start wearing dentures

Dentist Blog

Many people experience issues during the first few weeks of wearing their new dentures. Read on to learn more about what these issues are and how they can be addressed.

Bad breath

A lot of new denture-wearers find that they develop bad breath when they first start wearing their new dental accessory. Whilst chronically bad breath (or' halitosis') might sound like a minor issue, it can actually be very distressing for the sufferer, as they may feel that they can no longer speak, laugh or stand close to their friends and family, because they worry that these other people might be able to detect the putrid odour coming from their mouth. This can affect the sufferer's self-confidence and their social life.

As such, it's important to get this issue under control as quickly as possible. In almost all cases, bad breath in denture wearers is the result of them failing to properly sterilise their dentures.

Throughout the course of an average day, the inside of the mouth becomes filled with multiplying bacteria and tiny bits of food particles; if these things are left to fester on the surface of your dentures, they will produce a foul odour. Additionally, if you have any small cuts or sores in your mouth (for example, if you have bitten the inside of your cheek or if you have developed a mouth ulcer), your dirty dentures could end up causing an infection in this open wound.

The easiest way to prevent odours and infections is to brush your dentures with toothpaste and a toothbrush once or twice a day. Make sure to use a soft-bristled brush that is specifically designed for dentures, as abrasive brushes can create grooves in the dentures' surface which can allow odour-producing bacteria to get trapped in the denture material; this, in turn, could make your halitosis worse.

Additionally, you should soak your dentures in a sterilising, effervescent solution overnight; this will not only help to kill any remaining bacteria but will also ensure that the dentures retain their shape (dentures that are allowed to dry out completely often end up shrinking).

Sore gums

It is perfectly normal for people to experience a little bit of soreness and irritation during the first week or two of wearing dentures. This irritation is caused by the oral tissues in the mouth adjusting to the pressure that is being placed on them by the dentures.

Whilst it is not usually anything to be concerned about, it can make everyday activities like eating, drinking and talking, feel quite uncomfortable. To ease this discomfort, you can purchase some over-the-counter gum numbing gel (the kind that is often used to reduce the pain caused by mouth ulcers) and rub this along the sore parts of your gums throughout the course of each day.

This adjustment period should not last longer than a couple of weeks or so. If you are still experiencing soreness and irritation after this amount of time, it might be necessary to ask your dentist to alter the shape of your dentures slightly, so that they fit the contours of your mouth better.


9 October 2017

Fillings: Everything You Need to Know

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Kerry, and this blog is focused on dental fillings. It looks at the history of fillings, options for contemporary fillings, how to protect your fillings, when to replace them and much more. If you have ever had a cavity filled or if you are planning to get a tooth filled, you will find the information in this blog useful. I try to look at fillings from all angles, and I even plan to look at how to avoid fillings through proper dental hygiene and sealants. Thanks for reading, and I hope you find the info intellectually "filling."