
Why Do Symptoms Sometimes Return After a Root Canal?

Dentist Blog

Many people have a few things about their body that they'd like to change. Sometimes you can change these things yourself (diet and exercise), and sometimes you might need some help (cosmetic procedures). But there are certain things about your body that you're powerless to change, such as the layout of your dental pulp chambers. But how is this even relevant to your life? Your Pulp Chambers You might be blissfully unaware of the fact that you even have dental pulp chambers.

26 February 2021

5 Things to Look For in a Dentist If You Have Dental Anxiety

Dentist Blog

Dental anxiety affects many dental patients. In fact, many people avoid dental treatment because of anxiety and fear. This anxiety is usually connected to a traumatic event from a person's youth, such as a difficult dental appointment. And many patients fear that dentist might be hard on them if their teeth are in poor condition. If you suffer from dental anxiety, then you need to research dentists before you settle on one.

26 January 2021

Gum Health: The Danger of Deep Pockets

Dentist Blog

It's good to have deep pockets, isn't it? This generally means that you have considerable financial resources, allowing you to dig into those pockets whenever you feel the need. There's another type of deep pockets that you certainly don't want to have. Deep gingival pockets can signpost future problems for your teeth and are something that needs to be corrected. The Formation of Gum Tissue The irregular formation of gum tissue that can indicate an excessively deep gingival pocket is usually discovered during a regular dental checkup.

9 December 2020

5 Common Tooth-Brushing Mistakes

Dentist Blog

Cleaning your teeth might seem like a simple task, but there many errors that people make which can make brushing less effective. Do you make any of these five mistakes when you brush? 1. Brushing Too Briefly Dentists recommend brushing teeth for two minutes to remove all the plaque that has built up on them throughout the day or night. However, many people brush for far less time. One solution is to purchase an electric toothbrush that has a timer, but you could also time yourself using a watch or phone.

26 October 2020

Why White Bread Is Very Bad News for Teeth

Dentist Blog

Do you enjoy eating sandwiches with white bread each day? Then you should probably think about switching to whole grain instead of white bread. Although white bread is by far the most popular bread in Australia, it is also the most damaging when it comes to your dental health. If you consume white bread regularly, you could increase your risk of cavities and gum disease. White Bread Is Easier for Oral Bacteria to Digest

24 August 2020

What You Need To Know About Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

A dental implant is an artificial tooth that is placed in your jawbone. This titanium material is implanted in your jaw to provide support for a denture, bridge or a crown. The two types of implants are endosteal and subperiosteal implants. The endosteal implant is placed inside your jaw bone, whereas a subperiosteal implant is placed on your jaw bone if you have insufficient bone height or cannot wear dentures.

17 June 2020

Signs You Have Found the Best Orthodontist

Dentist Blog

Irregularities in your jaw and teeth can reduce the beauty of your smile and make you lose your self-confidence. Fortunately, an orthodontist can help you attain that perfect smile you desire. An orthodontist will work with you for several months, so you cannot afford to pick an unsuitable specialist. The result you get is dependent on the orthodontist you choose. Finding an outstanding orthodontist can be challenging, especially if it's your first time.

3 December 2019

Types of Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Dentist Blog

The cosmetic dentistry industry is rapidly growing. It encompasses a wide array of dental treatments that aim to improve the appearance of people's teeth. These treatments include, but are not limited to, teeth whitening, braces and dental implants. Correcting chipped and misaligned teeth is also a huge part of cosmetic dentistry procedures, with thousands of people now opting to wear clear aligners under the guidance of cosmetic dentists.  Dental clinics dedicated to cosmetic dentistry with experienced dentists carrying out treatments are popping up everywhere.

30 October 2019

Tooth abscess? See your emergency dentist

Dentist Blog

Although people often think a dental emergency would involve a broken or knocked-out tooth, there are other types of dental problem that require an emergency visit to the dentist. An abscessed tooth is a serious problem that may require immediate treatment. What is an abscess? A tooth abscess is caused by an infection around the bottom of the tooth, which leads to a build-up of pus. It can be caused by tooth decay or by a chipped or broken tooth where a gap in the enamel allows harmful bacteria into the tooth.

19 September 2019

Down Syndrome and Dentistry: Does Your Child Need Extra Attention?

Dentist Blog

As the parent of a child with Down syndrome, you will undoubtedly seek out specific forms of care and assistance (such as education and healthcare) that acknowledge your child's condition, while still allowing them to thrive. But what about dental care? Down syndrome can result in a particular set of challenges when it comes to developing and maintaining healthy teeth. A Different Schedule There's an average age for the eruption of a child's first set of teeth.

9 July 2019