Three Essential Tips for Preserving Dental Sealants and Preventing Decay

Dentist Blog

Dental sealants can help you protect your children from the consequences of tooth decay and cavities. These products are highly valuable after the permanent teeth erupt. In simple terms, the plastic dental film will cover the grooves on the molars of your child's teeth. Typically, harmful oral bacteria hide in the fissures of the molars. When these microorganisms digest sugars, they produce acids which corrode the teeth, causing decay and cavities.

21 February 2018

Laser Whitening vs. In-Home Trays: Which Is Right for You?

Dentist Blog

There are few things more universally attractive than a smile full of white teeth, so it should come as no surprise that tooth whitening treatments are so popular. There are quite a few options available, but people who want a professional solution will often find themselves trying to decide between laser treatment and in-home trays with bleaching gel. Well, there's no one right answer for everyone, but there's probably a right answer for you.

24 January 2018

Worried About Getting Dentures? Learn About the Top Three Denture Myths to Feel Better Now!

Dentist Blog

If you're getting dentures in the near future but you're feeling apprehensive, you might want to take a few moments to learn about some of the most famous denture myths. One or more of these common myths may be the reason that you've been dreading your new dentures. Once you've dispelled the following three dentures myths, you might just be more ready for your new dentures than you ever imagined.

3 January 2018