Tooth abscess? See your emergency dentist

Dentist Blog

Although people often think a dental emergency would involve a broken or knocked-out tooth, there are other types of dental problem that require an emergency visit to the dentist. An abscessed tooth is a serious problem that may require immediate treatment. What is an abscess? A tooth abscess is caused by an infection around the bottom of the tooth, which leads to a build-up of pus. It can be caused by tooth decay or by a chipped or broken tooth where a gap in the enamel allows harmful bacteria into the tooth.

19 September 2019

Down Syndrome and Dentistry: Does Your Child Need Extra Attention?

Dentist Blog

As the parent of a child with Down syndrome, you will undoubtedly seek out specific forms of care and assistance (such as education and healthcare) that acknowledge your child's condition, while still allowing them to thrive. But what about dental care? Down syndrome can result in a particular set of challenges when it comes to developing and maintaining healthy teeth. A Different Schedule There's an average age for the eruption of a child's first set of teeth.

9 July 2019

How To Support Your Preteen When They Get Braces

Dentist Blog

The preteen years are probably the most common time for getting braces, as the shape of your child's adult teeth becomes clear. However, getting braces can be difficult and can worry your preteen. Luckily, there are things you can do to make things easier for them and to support them. Make Sure They're Feeling Okay There are many things that preteens worry about when getting braces. For example, they may be worried about how braces might look.

25 May 2019

5 Tips to Avoid Dry Socket After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dentist Blog

When you have your wisdom teeth taken out, you need to be proactive to reduce the risk of dry socket. This condition develops when the blood clot that naturally forms after the dentist removes your wisdom tooth dislodges too early. It is often very painful, so it is worth taking all the steps you can to avoid dry socket. These five top tips can help. 1. Avoid Smoking After Wisdom Teeth Removal

28 January 2019

How to Reduce the Risk of Dental Emergencies

Dentist Blog

No one can completely avoid dental emergencies. Anyone could suffer an accident that results in a broken or knocked-out tooth, and anyone may suddenly develop a toothache or jaw pain that requires an immediate visit to the emergency dentist. But the good news is that you can take preventative measures to reduce the chance you'll need these visits. Good oral hygiene If you keep up a good oral hygiene routine, you will be much less likely to experience sudden pain from tooth decay.

26 December 2018

Is It Time for You to Get Your Dental Crowns Replaced?

Dentist Blog

Has anybody ever told you that you grind your teeth at night? If you have a long-suffering partner, this type of unconscious behaviour may have kept them awake and they may have been telling you for some time to do something about it. However, you may have had this problem for most of your adult life and have already suffered the consequences by causing extensive damage to your bottom teeth. This caused you to have a set of dental crowns fitted in the past, but you may now have to consider getting your replacements replaced, due to your bad night-time habits.

27 November 2018

3 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Your Smile

Dentist Blog

Many people feel like their teeth do not look good, and find themselves unable to smile with confidence. However, there are steps you can take towards being proud of your smile, whether you choose to change your attitude or get a teeth whitening treatment. Create a More Positive Outlook One of the simplest (and cheapest!) ways to feel more confident about your smile is to change your attitude towards it. There are a few ways to do this.

25 September 2018