
Questions to Bring Up With Your Family Dentist

Dentist Blog

When you visit your family dentist, it's good to discuss any and all concerns you have about your oral health and about the condition of your teeth and mouth. Your dentist can do much more than just clean your teeth while you're in his or her office; a dentist can give you personalized advice on how to keep your teeth healthy between visits and how to avoid conditions that might otherwise affect your mouth and throat.

21 March 2018

How Dental Contouring Can Fix Minor Cracks and Chips

Dentist Blog

A chipped or cracked tooth might feel like a catastrophe—like something that can only be remedied with some fairly major dental work. Of course, this might in fact be the case when the chip or crack is significant. In these instances, the tooth in question might need to be rebuilt using dental cement, or perhaps sealed under a dental crown. But of course, not all dental damage is the same. In the case of small chips and cracks, your dentist might suggest a minor procedure known as enameloplasty, which is a form of teeth contouring.

14 March 2018

Three Essential Tips for Preserving Dental Sealants and Preventing Decay

Dentist Blog

Dental sealants can help you protect your children from the consequences of tooth decay and cavities. These products are highly valuable after the permanent teeth erupt. In simple terms, the plastic dental film will cover the grooves on the molars of your child's teeth. Typically, harmful oral bacteria hide in the fissures of the molars. When these microorganisms digest sugars, they produce acids which corrode the teeth, causing decay and cavities.

21 February 2018

Laser Whitening vs. In-Home Trays: Which Is Right for You?

Dentist Blog

There are few things more universally attractive than a smile full of white teeth, so it should come as no surprise that tooth whitening treatments are so popular. There are quite a few options available, but people who want a professional solution will often find themselves trying to decide between laser treatment and in-home trays with bleaching gel. Well, there's no one right answer for everyone, but there's probably a right answer for you.

24 January 2018

Worried About Getting Dentures? Learn About the Top Three Denture Myths to Feel Better Now!

Dentist Blog

If you're getting dentures in the near future but you're feeling apprehensive, you might want to take a few moments to learn about some of the most famous denture myths. One or more of these common myths may be the reason that you've been dreading your new dentures. Once you've dispelled the following three dentures myths, you might just be more ready for your new dentures than you ever imagined.

3 January 2018

3 Facts You Should Know about Your Dentures

Dentist Blog

Partial and full dentures are popular choices for people that have lost some or all of their teeth. They are affordable and can be customised to make them as close to your natural bite as possible. After the adjustment period, you will be able to talk and eat almost everything you would with natural teeth. This article highlights three important facts to remember when you have dentures to ensure you maximise your service life from them.

11 December 2017

Mealtime With Invisalign: What If You Are Unable to Brush After Every Meal?

Dentist Blog

When you first begin your treatment with Invisalign, your orthodontist will advise you to take your trays out for each meal and brush your teeth before putting them back in again. Brushing your teeth after meals prevents the trays from trapping food debris and acids. However, depending on your situation, it isn't always possible to brush after every meal. Placing your trays back on your teeth while there is food debris on your teeth is not advisable.

22 November 2017

As Far As Your Long-Term Health Goals, Everything Begins in the Mouth

Dentist Blog

Did you know that you have trillions of different bacteria within your body, most of which are in your gut? There is a very complicated ecosystem inside and it is sometimes difficult to keep the different types of bacteria in balance. However, if you don't you can face health issues in later life and many of the problems begin in your mouth, the "port of entry" for your weird and wonderful world.

25 October 2017

Two common problems people experience when they first start wearing dentures

Dentist Blog

Many people experience issues during the first few weeks of wearing their new dentures. Read on to learn more about what these issues are and how they can be addressed. Bad breath A lot of new denture-wearers find that they develop bad breath when they first start wearing their new dental accessory. Whilst chronically bad breath (or' halitosis') might sound like a minor issue, it can actually be very distressing for the sufferer, as they may feel that they can no longer speak, laugh or stand close to their friends and family, because they worry that these other people might be able to detect the putrid odour coming from their mouth.

9 October 2017

3 Shade Designs for Porcelain Veneers

Dentist Blog

One of the most durable ways to have whiter teeth is to have porcelain veneers designed for you. A successful outcome will depend on what choices you made regarding the shade of white for each tooth. This article discusses three shade options that you can select from as those veneers are fabricated. Lightly Monochromatic Designs Lightly monochromatic porcelain veneer colour designs are ideal for people who want all their teeth to be white without any variation of colour.

14 September 2017